Saturday, May 16, 2020
Victimization due to an Abusive Relationship - 2876 Words
Victimization that occurs within an abusive relationship involves repeated violence that reinforces behaviors, a stimuli if you will, leading to a learned state of helplessness by the victim. â€Å"Victimologist defines victimization,†Karmen states, â€Å"as an asymmetrical interpersonal relationship that is abusive, painful, destructive, parasitical and unfair.†(Karmen, 2007, p. 2) More specifically, this state of mind is conditioned within the psychology of the victim in direct response to the abuse and behavior of the abuser. Hence the phenomenon occurred because the victim learned that it was helpless and therefore made no effort to escape from its plight. Thus learned behavior is the behavior that develops after repeated violence with no perceived control over the outcome. (McLeod, 2007) Several studies have developed theories into the psychology of domestic violence relationship involving the abuser and victim. The Psychopathology theories suggest that the abuser suffers from mental problems and usually always suffers from some form of substance abuse. (Migiro, 2010) The victim is seen as mentally disturbed for tolerating the behavior and labeled masochistic. In other words, the victim enjoys being beaten and initiates situations to bring about the behavior. This theory supports victim blaming. Despite the fact that victim blaming is the view held by the abuser; society also has a tendency victim blame. Victim blaming is both a philosophical and a theologicalShow MoreRelatedIntimate Partner Violence ( Tda )1654 Words  | 7 Pagesthey have the right to due such thing but also feel like they have control over their spouse and have a mindset that they own them and will do anything just to keep them. Often the perpetrators feel guilty for being violent towards their loved ones that they come to a point of being apologetic and doing anything in their power to keep them. 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