Sunday, January 5, 2020
Quitting Addictive Smoking Smoking - 1713 Words
Student Name Professor Name Course Name Date Quitting Addictive Smoking Tobacco is causing one death in every six seconds and will reach to eight million deaths annually in the world, by 2030 (albawaba). That was the fact that my doctor stated to me when I visited him to get the thorough checkup because I was having trouble in breathing and trouble in sleeping. I got shocked by listening to this fact, but I could not relate that fact to my life until the doctor told me that these health issues of mine are the result of my addictive smoking. My doctor informed me that my left lung was severely damaged from excessive smoking and that is why o am having trouble breathing. I really got distressed that my visit doctor for the simple lack of sleep and trouble sleeping has turned into my affected lung prospective of giving the permanent damage to the other lung also. I started wondering, will I have to lose my both lungs? Will I be included among those people who die because of excessive smoking? Is smoking only affecting my lungs and sleep or is it silently af fecting my other parts of the body? Is it possible to quit smoking? Are there any methods that can help me to save my lungs from permanent damage to my lungs? Several other questions like these rose in my mind and compelled me to focus on my present health condition. From the information provided on the cigarette boxes that cigarette is highly dangerous for health and I can cause lungs and mouth caner. I also heardShow MoreRelatedSmoking Essay1207 Words  | 5 PagesHow to Quit Smoking The smoking problem has become quite prevalent in our society. Several governments have had problems dealing with a huge healthcare burden due to diseases and conditions brought about by smoking. At the same time, individuals suffer several addictive and health issues due to smoking. 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